I have said before, and I will say now, I could not EVER be a teacher! There are many reasons, and I truly admire the great teachers that we have. However, I will never be one of them! For crying out loud, I can barely make it as a sub. Two things came up today with my kids that make me solidify my feelings on the subject.
First, Mayhem was all types of sullen this morning when we were talking about him going to school. Normally, he is extremely excited, but today was different. Today, he said he couldn't go to school. When I asked why, he pointed to the blue marker on his hand from the day before, and said he couldn't go to school with blue on his hand, and his friends would make fun of him. I am so glad to hear there is bullying in preschool. Then, he tells me that he knows there is time-out in the office of the school. I asked him how he knew that, and he said his friend had to go to the office for time-out for hitting him. I didn't even know about the incident, and it had to be bad enough for Mayhem to say something, because he usually says "Nothing" when I ask him about school.
Secondly (and most disgustingly, so do not read on if you have a weak stomach), Mischief comes home from school, and she heads into the bathroom, as she was getting ready for her swimming lessons. She called me into the bathroom, and says, "Diarrhea." I told her she didn't have diarrhea. She says, "I know. But my teacher needs to see it if we do at school, so she knows if we are really sick or not." Now, I don't know if this is true or not, but I am totally disturbed that there is even enough of a conversation about diarrhea at school to make Mischief think her teacher needs to see it!!!! Gross!!! Now, her teacher is a mother of a second grader, so I kinda get it, but I would never, ever, ever check another kids diarrhea. If this is a requirement of a teacher, gross! If not, thank goodness! Hopefully, Mischief is confused ;)