Monday, March 14, 2011

Road Trip!

We returned safely from our trip to Aunt Laura's!  And, we managed to make it back at a decent time.  The kids had a blast, even though they were tired of riding in a car, and Mischief asked, "Are we there yet?" before we had driven the three minutes it took us to get to the interstate.

I am pretty sure the kids ate enough pancakes (the only kid-approved food Aunt Laura knows how to make) for four or five kids, and then ate again for a snack.  Aunt Laura also only had a few toys, so Mischief and Mayhem found an exercise ball and a spinning exercise disc for them to play on.  They had a blast, and when she stopped spinning while claiming she was not dizzy, Mischief says, "I'm not dizzy!  But Aunt Laura's house isn't standing still!"

After supper, when we were leaving, my daughter says about her aunt, "I miss her, now she needs to come to my house!"  Mischief accidentally took the toy cars home that Aunt Laura had to play with, so she is planning on returning them on our next trip to Aunt Laura's house.

Note Mayhem in the background playing with the other toy of Aunt Laura's
So, all-in-all, I would say the trip is a success, even though Mayhem is not ready to spend any time in the car any time soon!

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